For news on research activities, performances, classes and workshops please subscribe to Andrew’s newsletter by sending an email to the address below
10-21 MAR // Teaching Ballet Techniques workshop, hosted by Tanzquartier Vienna. Vienna, Austria. Info here
29-30 MAR // Teaching Marameo. Berlin, Germany. Info here
APR // Movement Coaching Stop - Zoe Gudovic. Vienna, Austria. Info here
13-16 MAY // Research Performance Lecture, hosted by The University of Applied Arts Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
3-14 FEB // Teaching Iceland University of the Arts. Reykjavíc, Iceland. Info here
JAN // Teaching Judith Sánchez Ruíz Professional Contemporary Dance Certification Program. Berlin, Germany. Info here
JAN // Teaching Norrdans. Härnösand, Sweden.
JAN // Teaching Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. Wuppertal, Germany.
DEC // Teaching Ballet Techniques workshop, hosted by Tanzquartier Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
OCT // Public Talk Let’s Talk About Ballet hosted by Zürich University of the Arts. Zürich, Switzerland.
OCT // Co-Teaching Diffractive Dialogues hosted by BACKPULVER. Vienna, Austria.
OCT // Teaching Profitraining Basel (morning training). Basel, Switzerland.
OCT // Teaching Marameo (morning training). Berlin, Germany.
AUG // Teaching Gibney Dance Center (morning training). New York City, USA.
AUG // Memorial Event Put Me On A Planet Where Everyone Sounds Like Janet ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival. Vienna, Austria.
JUL // Teaching Ballet for Contemporary Dancers Workshop, hosted by ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival. Vienna, Austria.
14-17 MAY // Research Performance Lecture, hosted by The University of Applied Arts Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
10-11 Apr// Research Soften and Make Space Presentation, hosted by The Society of Artistic Research (SAR). Tilburg, The Netherlands.