Apu needs you

a fund for apu’s health

goal: $2,500

current: $1980.00

donors: 51

paypal: andrewchamplin@gmail.com


On Friday night, October 8, Apu went into the hospital in Zurich Switzerland, where we were guest teaching at Zurich University of The Arts dance department.

Apu is being treated for severe gastrointestinal inflammation or “enteritis” at the hospital.

After numerous tests (blood work, X-rays, ultrasound and four nights in the hospital), the medical expenses are approximately $3,500.

Apu is receiving excellent care, but as we are stuck in a very expensive city for treatment my freelance dance teacher salary is insufficient to cover all costs.

our goal is to raise $2,500


Apu is a friend

Apu is eleven. He has lived in three cities and two continents. Everywhere he goes he brings joy to those around him.


Apu 6 months old. Brooklyn, New York

Apu 11 years old. Vienna, Austria

Apu is in stable condition as of october 19th!


Apu is having follow-up care in Vienna where we will be based the next month. We have a good network there and the vet is near.

On his last checkup the doctor did another round of blood work and ultrasound. She wants to check it again on October 22nd to see if there is need for a surgery to remove his gallbladder.

 Help us get on our feet

DAY 1 at the hospital

DAY 1 at the hospital

DAY 3 at the hospital

DAY 3 at the hospital


DAY 2 at the hospital

DAY 3 at the hospital

  • T

  • H

  • A

  • N

  • K

  • U


Some bright days behind… and ahead


Crete, September 2020

Berlin, April 2021

 Please contribute in any amount to the fund!

